Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I'm thankful for everyone who's thinking and praying for the girls. It's truly a blessing. One thing I have to remember though is that my families emergency's are not other peoples. Sometimes I feel like those around me should have the same care and concern that I have over the girls. I have to realize that they care, but in a different way. This situation is personal to me because these are my nieces and I love them so much. I hurt for all children who get sick and hurt but of course it hits harder when it's family. When John and Jillian brought Savannah home, my feelings I'm sure were different than other people outside the family. I still get teary when I think of the first time we saw her picture on the computer. I have certain feelings for Chloe and Charlotte too that others of course won't have. I love my family...can you tell? :) Sometimes I get upset when it seems like others don't think or feel the way I do. Silly....I know and wrong...because everyone has their own issues that they are dealing with and they need their energy to go there. I use to take on other people's hurts so strongly that it was not healthy for me. That's one of the reasons why I stopped blogging in the first place. I was getting too involved in the hurts of others. I was taking them on as if they were my own. I've since learned that I cannot not do that. It was and is just too much. So in saying that, I should not expect others to do that with my families challenges. It's just too much.

1 comment:

  1. I hear you Mel.

    I remember when things were bad when we had Christian. Afterwards I would see people on facebook making jokes and carrying on about crap. I hated that. Now I realize that they are not bad for doing it... Its facebook for heaven's sake. I expected it to be griefbook instead.

    Mel so many people care for you guys. I so wish we lived close by right now more than ever. I want to call you but I don't want to call at the wrong time. In saying that you know I am just at the end of the phone if you want to speak xxx

    I love you x


Thoughts anyone?