Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Good causes....

Families who have lost children have been on my mind and in my heart lately. Several years ago my former boss volunteered me to do a fundraiser for March of Dimes....which is an organization that helps get Preemies the best care possible through research. So on the day that I did this....I got picked up in a military vehicle and taken to "Jail" It was a fake jail where we sat and called people for donations. These people had to get us out of Jail with their donations. :) It's all in good fun and for a very good cause. Anyway, I enjoyed my time there and all the people I called were really nice whether they donated or not. Up until this point, I didn't know much about March of Dimes and little did I know that years down the road I would have two preemie Nieces! March of Dimes has a fundraiser walk I'd like to do. I've been wanting to do it for some time but now with it being so personal to me I'm really going to go for it. I really really want to do a Breast Cancer walk too. I think of my cousin Shelly who lost her life to this cancer and I'd like to do it in her honor. Life is about helping others and I truly feel my best when I'm doing just that. If anyone is interested in walking with me for one or both of these causes...just let me know!! I don't have a date yet but am checking into it. :)


  1. Me! I would love to join you. I've never done anything for The March if Dimes. Would love to. Did you find anything out about it?

  2. I would if I was in the same country... YOU KNOW I WOULD!

    Good on you Mel, so proud to call you a friend xxx


Thoughts anyone?